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"As a typical driven, type A personality, most of my life has been spent trying to conquer all. Through the coaching process I have come to understand the feelings of those left in my wake. This understanding has not only helped me in my professional life, but in what really counts, as a husband and father." -- Gary Creekmore, Manufacturing Mgr.
  Inner Work Coaching

Inner Work Coaching

Technically competent, highly valuable executives, managers and individual don't always have matching skills in emotional intelligence (EQ). When they don't, they can threaten the productivity, morale, safety and retention, of other team members at work, home or in community settings.

At Workplace Connections, we work one-on-one with those who need to strengthen their EQ. Whether EQ challenges are showing up as mild anger, hurtful sarcasm, outright temper tantrums or emotional withdrawal, our coaching process can help. Because we have strong backgrounds in organizational consulting, business, psychology, community mediation, meditation and other inner work processes as well as coaching, we have the right tools to help in most cases. We can help you discern individual inner issues from systemic/organizational/community ones and we address them all in an integrated way, facilitating breakthroughs for real people embedded in real situations.

The process includes setting clear goals with the client and can include getting input from his/her manager or family, employees and peers if appropriate, and the Workplace Connections coach. At times the coaching process is part of a larger organizational collaborative culture building project (see Organizational Consulting), or a Team Intervention process. We may recommend shadowing a client at meetings if staff or team issues are particularly difficult or consulting with a Workplace Connections therapist for particularly intense situations at home or work.

All Rights Reserved (C) Workplace Connections 2009  Web Design by Brenda Cornett
Flower and nature photography courtesy Mark Hussein (C) 2009   www.markhusseinphotography.com