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"In its 14th year, my long-term relationship was tested more deeply than ever before. Eryn gave us incredible attention and guidance, deeply concerned for our success as unique individuals and a unique couple. We found our center again, weathered the emotional storm, and grew. We still use her advice nine years later!" Tom Atlee
  Conflict Transformation Coaching/Mediation   Training: Transforming Conflict into Heartfelt Connection

     Conflict Transformation Coaching/Mediation

Every partnership, no matter how solid, must navigate rocky shoals at times. The challenges can be as "simple" as tension arising from co-parenting power struggles, or as deep and existential about whether to stay or leave a relationship. A wise, caring, guide with the capacity to tune into the unique lives of each individual, while holding the relationship with honour as an entity unto itself, can make the differece between a successful outcome or years of wounding.

At Workplace Connections our work with couples grew out of our work with client organizations. We often found that the seeds of workplace issues started at home and/or were brought into the home.

During difficult economic times,even strong and healthy couples find themselves facing challenges that were well managed or avoided during more successful times. Our therapists, family mediators and coaches have the sensitivity and skills to be with you no matter what issues you are facing in your primary partnership.

All Rights Reserved (C) Workplace Connections 2009  Web Design by Brenda Cornett
Flower and nature photography courtesy Mark Hussein (C) 2009   www.markhusseinphotography.com